How To Clean Window Screens the Right Way

If you dread the idea of cleaning screens, there are a few tips to make the job easier for you. While you may want to put off this chore for another day, it is important to clean your screen on a seasonal basis. Not only do dirty screens disturb your view, but they can affect the quality of air that comes through your home. Let’s look at a couple of ways that you can clean those window screens the right way. 

Need to deep clean your window screens? Contact our Shine window screen cleaning experts at the following locations: Austin, Dallas, and Bellaire. 

Deep Cleaning Your Screens

You can find plenty of ways to deep clean your window screens. At the very minimum, it is essential to clean these screens about once a year. In many cases, you can do a quick clean with a lint roller or deep clean it with a toothbrush and some soapy water. You want to wash these screens because it not only improves the aesthetics of your windows but keeps out all the dirt and debris from entering your home. If you shudder at the thought of cleaning these screens, here are some tips for keeping them sparkling clean. 

Related: Can You Pressure Wash A Window?

Lint Roller

If you want a simple way to clean your screen, then a small lint roller can do the job. This sticky roller can pick up loose dust and dirt without the need to remove the screen. For those screens with small crevices, you can even use a smaller lint roller for the task. 

Clean Magic Eraser

In most cases, you want to start the cleaning process with a lint roller. However, these rollers don’t always pick up all the dirt and dust. With that, you might want to use a Magic Eraser. All you need to do is wet the foam and gently scrub the screen. You might want to use the extra-strength version of the scrubber since it can clean those rough and textured surfaces. With a Magic Eraser, you can clean away without the need to detach the screen. 


Another great way to clean your screen is with a vacuum. Take the soft bristle attachment and suck up all of that loose grime and dirt. This method will not stretch or damage your screens. With a vacuum, it is easy to keep up the cleaning schedule for your screens. If you want a deeper clean for your window screen, consider detecting them, placing them on a drop cloth, and using the vacuum to clean over them. Just be careful that you don’t damage the screens with a heavy vacuum. 

Related: Get Your House Clean for Spring!

Soapy Water or Vinegar Bath

One tried and true way to deep clean your window screens involves vinegar or soapy water. If you have a screen with stubborn grime, you might want to soak them in a bath. You can complete this task on a sunny day so that the screens have a chance to dry out. 

With this method, you want to remove them from the windows. If you have a large home, make sure to use masking tape and mark the location of the screen. That makes the reinstallation process much simpler for you. 

professional window and screening cleaning

After that, you can mix a ¼ cup of dish soap or vinegar with a half-gallon of water. Place the screen in an upright position and gently distribute the soap water over it. You can hose down the screen with water to wash off any of that residual soap. In some cases, these screens can even be placed in a shower for a gentler rinsing option. 

When you are done, you can lay the screen in the bright sunshine for several hours. Once they are dry, you can vacuum them with a soft bristle brush to pick up any loose dirt before you reinstall them. 


If your window screen has tough dirt stains, you could give them a soapy bath with a harder bristle toothbrush. A toothbrush can help to scrape off all that grime and dirt. Just don’t push too hard on the screen and bend it out of shape. This task can be tedious, but a toothbrush can push dirt through tiny nooks, crevices, and holes. 

Related: Three Reasons to Hire a Professional Window Cleaner 

Pressure Washing

In some cases, the window screens are not detachable, or they are too high to remove. If that applies to you, it could be time to pressure wash the screens. For these options, make sure to place your washer on the lowest intensity. You can always try to clean your screen with a garden hose. A nozzle attachment is a great way to remove that grime and give your window screen a deep cleaning. 

Rusty Screen Issues

If you are cleaning your screen and notice some rust, there are a few solutions to get them back to their original condition. Since screens spend a significant amount of time outdoors, you will probably notice rust on the metal surfaces. 

One solution is to pour vinegar over those rusted areas. You will want them to sit for several hours. If you cannot detach your screen, just take a cloth with vinegar and rub it over the metal area for a couple of hours. 

You can also take a bristle brush and clean water to scrub over the rusted spot. While this process is labor-intensive, it will get rid of most of the rusted areas. If you have a stubborn area of rust, mix up water and baking soda. It should have the consistency of toothpaste. Take that mixture and use a brush to work it into the rusted spots. When you are finished, use some clean water and wipe dry with a cloth.

window and screen cleaning services for homes and businesses

While it might seem like a difficult task to deep clean your screen, it is easy to keep them looking great with these tips. You want to have a clean screen to maintain the aesthetics of your home and keep your indoor space free from dirt and grime. When all else fails, make sure to contact a professional company like Shine to deep clean those screens. 

Do you need to deep clean your window screens? Contact our Shine window screen cleaning experts at the following locations: Austin, Dallas, and Bellaire.



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