A home should reflect your spirit. As a leading house washing company, Shine puts your needs first, transforming your home’s exterior into a radiant reflection of you. Our house washing services meticulously clean every inch of your home to ensure it looks better than ever.

Exterior House Washing: Revive the Shine
With time and exposure to harsh elements, the exterior of our houses may appear to lose their charm. Instead of resorting to a fresh coat of paint, let our expert technicians restore your home’s original beauty! We will expertly wash your house, using power washing or soft washing as needed, making your exterior look brand new.
The Benefits of Professional House Washing with Shine
Choosing Shine for your house washing needs gives you the advantage of:

Prolonging the lifespan of your home's exterior surfaces

Avoiding costly repairs down the line

Enhancing your home’s curb appeal

Keeping accidents at bay by removing slippery spots on your pavement
Our professional team is thoroughly trained on specialized equipment and proven techniques to safely and efficiently clean your house, bringing back its original charm.
Exterior House Washing: Our Gentle Yet Effective Approach
Not all exterior surfaces can withstand the strength of high-pressure washing; some require a softer touch. Shine offers both house power washing and soft washing services. Our team can determine the best method for your home, ensuring a deep, thorough clean that’s safe for all surfaces.

Exterior House Surfaces We Clean:
At Shine, we provide house washing services for a wide range of materials and surfaces to cater to your home’s unique needs.





Composite Siding


House Washing FAQs
Q: How frequently should I have my house washed?
A: Shine recommends at least one house washing per year. However, more frequent services may be beneficial depending on your location, house environment, and local climate.
Q: What does Shine's house washing service include?
A: Our service includes a full power washing, hand washing, or soft washing, ensuring a thorough clean that leaves your home Shining.
Q: What is the cost of Shine's comprehensive house washing?
A: Price varies depending on several factors. Connect with our team today to receive your personalized quote!
A Spotless Home with Shine
Our purpose extends beyond simply cleaning your home. With our 100% satisfaction guarantee, we believe in building lasting relationships with our customers and making a difference in the world. Each year, a portion of Shine’s revenues goes toward supporting charitable causes, both locally and globally.